Townhouse complex – Burnaby

Roof Maintenance

Townhouse complex – Burnaby



When the new manager inherited a strata building with a roof in the middle its expected lifespan that had a history of costly leaks, one of the first orders of business was to have Robinson Roof Solutions out to perform a free roof maintenance assessment.

After walking the roof, we discovered that the approximately 10 year old roof looked like it had been neglected for its entire service life. We identified some isolated original workmanship issues that looked to have leaked previously multiple times, but had never received a thorough and permanent repair.

We also noticed organic growth throughout the roof areas that could lead to premature deterioration of the roof surface, and routine maintenance items left ignored that could potentially lead to water ingress issues or premature deterioration of the surface.

Unfortunately, throughout the roofs, we discovered too large a quantity of Urgent, Critical and Preventative maintenance issues for the Strata’s maintenance budget to manage in the first year.

Thankfully, the quality of materials and workmanship overall was satisfactory, and we determined that the roof had an estimated 10+ years of life remaining with maintenance- and the right team were now on the task of ensuring it performed to its potential.



We worked with Council, assisted by the PM, to create a multi-year, phased maintenance plan that would address the urgent issues, the worst of the critical issues, and any Preventative issues we could efficiently tackle that would provide the greatest cost-benefit result to the Strata in the first year.

We also worked to develop a strategy to spread the less urgent, but still required, repairs and maintenance out over 3 years to lessen the financial impact.


Because of our thorough, detailed, and easily understandable reports and collaboration with the Strata Council, the work was approved quickly and executed in short order due to our carefully maintained service work backlog of approximately three weeks.

Robinson Roofing then reached out one month in advance of the next scheduled maintenance to inform the Strata of our upcoming return visit. As usual, this scope was executed with precision- updates and completion reports were issued during work and prior to invoicing so that the building management team had clarity and trust in the scope of work completed.™


Impact and results

We are proud to say that this building now remains leak-free since being under the care of our watchful Service Department, and the Strata has enhanced peace of mind and comfort in trusting that they are unlikely to look up at their ceiling to any more unexpected leak surprises in the near future.

The next service dates are identified in our cloud management software and Council knows that they’ll hear from our pleasant and professional coordination team when the automated process is triggered again.